
I'm a software engineer and engineering leader. I mostly share thoughts about software, startups, and investing.

I was most recently VP of Engineering at Privy, and spent some time at Attentive after we were acquired.

Before that, I was the founder of Kiwi6.

Projects and stuff

Open Source

I'm the maintainer of Savon, the XML SOAP client for ruby, and some supporting gems like wasabi and nori.

I also made SafeQuery for Ruby on Rails.


A showcase of some programming tools and utilities I often find myself needing: sha1/sha256/md5 hash, network tools (open port check, DNS lookup, etc), a UUID generator, etc. Also was an excuse for me to build a single-page-app from scratch.

History timeline visualizer

An experimental visualization technique for events in world history. The thesis is that seeing events with related and concurrent things that were happening helps us understand and contextualize history better.

Jackie & Peter

A blog that my wife and I maintain with pictures of Kevin (our dog), and some of our family recipes.

Railsbridge Boston

I help organize and teach free introductory programming workshops targeted at minorities and underrepresented groups.

Boston Ruby Group

I help organize the Boston Ruby Group on meetup. I've given a few talks in the past.


You can email me at [email protected]. I try to respond to all emails.
